What is the Difference Between Au750 and 24k Gold?

Apr 02, 2024
What is the Difference Between Au750 and 24k Gold?

What is the Difference Between Au750 and 24k Gold?

For Indians, buying gold in different forms is considered an investment, and the volume of gold the Indian women have is surprising and unmatched by the rest of the world. 

Even though Indians are ranked the second largest consumer of gold after China, there are still some misunderstandings and myths roaming around it. For example, which gold is better? 24k gold, 18k gold, & more. So, let’s answer all the queries and also understand one of the trending topics these days: the difference between au750 and 24k gold. 

Let’s Understand the Fundamentals of Au750 and 24K 

The karat system is the standard measuring unit of gold’s purity, and it expresses the gold purity percentage in any type of gold, such as white gold, 24k gold, or 18k gold. 

  • 24k is the purest form of gold, which means all 24 parts are made of gold. 

  • 18K gold consists of 18 parts pure gold, and the remaining 6 parts are mixed with different metals based on one’s preference and budget. 

  • Also, 18K gold is the same as Au750. 

  • However, 24k is the purest form of gold, which is the softest in nature, making it unsuitable for molding. 

  • Hence, amalgamation of gold with different metals or alloys is mandatory for making ornaments, gold biscuits, etc. 

Is it Possible to Differentiate Between 24k gold and 18k Gold Superficially? 

Yes, it is reasonably safe to say that it is relatively easier to distinguish between 24k and 18k gold, but in a practical approach, there are almost zero possibilities of identifying the difference if both are placed together. 

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Some of the differences Between Au750 and 24k Gold are mentioned below


  • 24k gold is more prominently yellow, whereas 18k gold can impart different colors based on the different types of metals mixed in it. 

  • For example, if silver is mixed with gold, then it will impact a slightly whitish color, hence white gold. 


  • The marking or hallmark sign on the inner curvature of the ornaments indicates the purity of the gold. 

  • The marking sign says a number from 1 to 999 or 0 to 24, based on the grading system. 

Understanding the economic concept of au750 and 24k gold


  • 24k has more gold content than 18k, and hence, it’s on the expensive side. 

  • Although the cost of gold jewelry varies depending on multiple factors like design, labor, etc., people usually prefer 18k gold for ornaments as it is cheaper and more versatile. 


  • One common myth is that the quantity of gold in an ornament is directly proportional to its durability, but in reality, it’s completely false. 

  • Since gold is a metal with two non-ideal properties, namely, malleability and softness, 24k gold is easily breakable. 

  • However, 18k gold is an amalgam of gold and other metals and alloys, which makes it stronger and less prone to breakage and thus provides longevity. 


Au750, 18k, and 24k gold are both commonly used versions of gold and have their own use cases. If the concern is not buying the purest form of gold, then 18k gold is the most affordable option for commercial purposes or daily wear. 

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