What Is Melo Melo Pearl, And Why Is It So Rare?

Jun 07, 2024
What Is Melo Melo Pearl, And Why Is It So Rare?

What Is Melo Melo Pearl, And Why Is It So Rare?

Of course, we all know that there are many kinds of pearls in this world. Now it is time to turn the page and learn more about them. Pearls can be divided according to the geographical location of origin or the color of the pearl, and South Sea pearls, Tahitian pearls, Conch pearls and so on.

To the surprise of many, melo melo pearls are not very widely known, but it is noteworthy to mention that they are also known as melo pearls. Can I get some details or information regarding the melo melo pearls? This is one of the rarest pearls; the proved evidence of this is the presented research.

Melo Pearl Properties, Flame, Shapes, Sizes

A Melo Pearl is a perfectly round gemstone which is classified as an orbicular nodule. Just like conch pearls, Melo Melo pearls are not grown inside a mussel like the common pearls we know but are formed slowly inside a specific type of sea snail: melo melo, which mainly resides in the South Asian region, specifically the waters of Southeast Asia. 

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Luster and Flame

Hence it will be taking the second feature that makes it different from ordinary pearls and that it does not have the pearl coating layer that is common with pearls. The Melo Melo pearls that do not exhibit pearlescence have a smooth, glassy looking surface, which is described as porcelain luster. Moreover, the flame pattern structure is one of the most characteristic elements of these pearls, which is rarely encountered. 


There are many different designs to choose from, including irregular baroque, oval, and egg-shaped; it is also true, however, that pearls that are almost round are typically more valuable. 


Their sizes range from a few millimeters to up to 30mm, though they can be cutter of over 200 carats. It may be of interest to know that the largest melo melo pearl may measure 397. For many people, 52 carats has meaning that can no longer be expressed in terms of money.


Hence the Melo Melo pearls are mostly orange, yellow, brown or white in color. These rhodos are most valued for their rich orange color which is rather like the color of ripe papayas.


Using this formula the hardness of melo pearls is approximately 4. Another feature is Scratch-resistant lenses 5-5, so you should be careful when putting on these glasses.

Melo melo pearl value and price Here is a brief discussion on the value and price of Melo Melo pearls: Melo Melo pearls are one of the most popular types of pearls and are always in high demand due to their spectacular looks.

Melo Melo Pearl Value

Native pearls particularly Melo pearls are few and very hard to come by in the market. It is these that ranked high in value for the maturity-orange color akin to a papaya fruit. Currently, there are estimated to be only about 200 melo pearls in circulation globally, with the melo pearls being sourced from the Nguyen kings’ treasures, the last imperial family in Vietnam. This is the reason why the melo pearls have been sought after for many years by both the eastern and the western collectors due to the immense value which they attach to this piece.

What Makes Melo Pearls the Rarest Pearls?

1. Challenges facing Melo Melo Sea Snails Conservation Efforts Today There are few Melo Melo Sea Snails left in the wild today.

There are several reasons that make the living condition of the melo melo sea snail harder, which resulted in the decreasing of the population. That’s why now they are protected by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora because it is nearly impossible to meet these animals.

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2. On a related note, it is quite challenging to create Melo Melo pearls.

The possibility of getting a special and unique creation from a sea snail – a melo pearl – is about one in a thousand, and it only becomes even less when it comes to the possibility of extracting it in its full mass to get a large-sized specimen. This condition means that a large and high-quality<|reserved_special_token_260|> melo melo pearl is even more valuable.

3. Melo Melo Pearls cannot be cultured artificially (McCap)

Melo pearls are appreciated in the market a lot contrary to some pearls, but up to date there is no method by which they can be produced artificially, and as such the chances of coming across them are likely. Sometimes you hear stories where fishermen or tourists come across a merlot pearl on the beaches without even realizing.

Melo Melo Pearl Meanings

1. Sun and the dragon

The last emperor of the Vietnamese dynasty, like many emperors of his ancestors, was following this ancient tradition of collecting these natural melo pearls as these pearls are a symbol of the sun and are known as the dragon pearl which belongs to the dragon.

2. Buddhism

Day Three of Week Two: One of the Eight Buddhist Elements Held in High Esteem by the Buddhists. In this regard, Melo pearls are also perfect to represent Buddhist ideas too. When it comes to Buddhist rankings, they are actually categorized among the eight elements of Buddhism that are valued by Buddhists. Thus, self-illuminating and reflecting the power and importance to the Southeast Asian Buddhist cultural pearl of melo melo.

3. Royal Treasure

They also represent monarchy and only a few, if any, in the kingdom are privileged to own them. The monarchs of the past Vietnamese dynasties always pressed ships for it as the royal vessel of the sea in the South China Sea.

The last king of Vietnam also departed from his country to France, and just as the bright and famous melo melo pearls, they were sold one by one by him and disappeared in Europe. Today many of these pearls are valued by collectors of jewelleries from Europe.

In the end 

In conclusion, the discovery of Melo pearls raises the possibility of whether they can be cultured or not due to the increasing demand for pearls in the market.  I must admit that the only possible conclusion is that it is just a matter of luck. 

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